Graphic Designer & Visual Artist


The idea is to create an application that can help adults and teenagers to choose the best program in order to continue education, given their individual and financial situations. The right program means the one that suits your interests and talents the most. The one that helps you find a job ,the job you are satisfied with. Using the app will start with filling an application form and answering some personal question and giving more detail about their education and experiences. Applicants also have access to a chat room to ask their questions and book an appointment with a consultant for free. Some online tests will be provided to help users find out more about their personality and suitable fields of their future career. There will be a list of all college and university programs, including online ones. This is to make it more efficient and help the applicants reach their goals in shorter time.

Problem Statement

Problem Statement

The problem is finding the right program to continue your education. The right program means the one that suits your interests and talents the most. The one that helps you find a job ,the job you are satisfied with. On the other words, a tool to help you choose your future career path ,and avoid wasting a lot of money and time on a field you don't like.

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Information Architecture (Sitemap)

Information Architecture (Sitemap)

A UX sitemap is a hierarchical diagram of a website or application, that shows how pages are prioritized, linked, and labeled. If a user flow is like the street view details, the sitemap is like the bird's eye view.

Task Flow

Task Flow

A task flow is similar to a workflow, as are their respective design tools. A task flow is meant to guide the user experience to accomplish a business function.

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